Learn to stop overeating for good and discover your own healthy weight and eating habits
This compassionate, therapeutic workbook explores the problems created by having ready access to high fat foods designed to taste good. Because we evolved in conditions of relative scarcity, we have few natural food inhibitors and so most diet books try to encourage people to limit their eating using strict rules which have to be constantly worked at.
However, this can lead to self-criticism which can undermine efforts at self-control. As a result, our relationship with eating can be complex, multifaceted and problematic.
· Understand and work with your urges and passion for food
· Pay attention to your biological and emotional needs
· Have a healthier and happier relationship with food and your body
If you have tried diets and found that they don't work, The Eating Well Workbook is for you.
The self-help books in this series are based on compassion focused therapy (CFT, developed by series editor Paul Gilbert). This brings together an understanding of how our mind can cause us difficulties but also provides us with a powerful solution in the shape of mindfulness and compassion. It teaches ways to stimulate the part of the brain connected with kindness, warmth, compassion and safeness, and to calm the part that makes us feel anxious, angry, sad or depressed.
Kenneth Goss is the retired former head of the eating disorders service at Gulson Hospital, Coventry. He is on the board of the Compassionate Mind Foundation and is one of the country's leading experts on using CFT for the treatment of eating problems.