Beverages are a convenient and versatile product that may either serve to fulfill consumers' needs for hydration or as a pleasant liquor. Among the sensory attributes of beverages that drive consumer acceptability is aroma, directly influenced by the quantity and type of volatile compounds contained inside them. Volatile Compounds Formation in Specialty Beverages contains remarkable information about volatile compounds of specialty beverages, addressing aspects involved from production processes to biochemical pathways. Divided in two sections, this book answers such key-questions as like how different classes of volatile compounds affect the specialty beverage sensory profile; furthermore, the section on distilled beverages brings supplies information on the contribution of maturation to the beverage volatile profile. Key Features: Provides information on the contribution of each class of volatile compounds to the beverages' aroma Describes the biochemical pathways involved in the volatile compounds generation Covers both traditional and exotic, fermented, and distilled beverages Shows how the production process affects the volatile compounds formation Organized by experienced editors and written by authors from around the world, this book describes the most important aspects of volatile compounds formation in traditional beverages like whisky and sparkling wine, as well as in exotic beverages like cachaça and kombucha. It is a unique source for food scientists, chemists, chemical engineers and other professionals interested in learning about volatile compounds formation in fermented and distilled beverages.