Secrets of the Icewomen

Secrets of the Icewomen

The Power of Cold and Breathwork to Balance Hormones, Bolster Health and Unlock Inner Potential


Sisters Isabelle and Laura Hof have been practis­ing and teaching the Wim Hof Method for most of their lives. Science-backed and potentially life-changing, the method focuses on three pillars - breathing, cold therapy and mindset - which can result in increased energy, better sleep, a strength­ened immune system and more. While the method works for everyone, it has unique physical and men­tal health benefits for women. Inspired by the potential of the method, Isa­belle and Laura started the Icewomen community, devoted to unlocking the power of these practices. In this empowering book they invite all women to join the community, and share the groundbreaking research behind the benefits, from improving mental health, boosting confidence and balancing hormones to enhancing hair and skin health and having a positive impact on pregnancy, breastfeeding, meno­pause and more. Secrets of the Icewomen also offers detailed advice specifically tailored for women and their needs, including how to:plan your WHM practice around your cyclework on setting strong intentionsadjust and rest if dealing with serious condi­tions or hormonal imbalances, andlearn to understand the (very normal!) range of emotions people have when undergoing cold therapy. No longer the domain of extreme athletes and wellness-minded men, cold water therapy is being discovered and embraced by women everywhere. With this book, Isabelle and Laura make the prac­tices more accessible than ever. Their hope is to convince those who may not have thought this life­style was for them, to knock down gender barriers and to offer an invitation: Come on in, the water is very cold - and just the cure to reinvigorate and restore you in body, mind and spirit.

Bibliografische Angaben

Mai 2025, ca. 272 Seiten, Englisch
Random House UK


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