Julia Weindel provides novel implications for researchers and managers by first identifying the sector-specific main levers of retail brand equity. Second, she shows that retail brand equity and perceived value have a reciprocal relationship. The author analyzes which one of these has stronger effects on loyalty. Third, she addresses the interdependencies between brand beliefs, retail brand equity, and loyalty within multichannel retail structures. The study is forced through the knowledge that management of retail brands is highly valuable for scholars and managers, because retail brand equity is known to strongly influence consumer behavior in various contexts. The retail brand represents a valuable asset for retailers which need to know the levers of retail brand equity.
Sector-Specific Antecedents of Retail Brand Equity
Reciprocity Between Perceived Value and Retail Brand Equity
Interdependencies Within Multichannel Retail Structures
Target Groups-
Researchers and students focusing on retailing and marketing
Executives and managers interested in the management of retail brands in brick-and-mortar and multichannel retail environments
About the AuthorDr. Julia Katharina Weindel
received her doctoral degree from the University of Trier, where she worked at the Chair for Marketing and Retailing.