Thèmes principaux
The International Strategy of Mymuesli GmbH

The International Strategy of Mymuesli GmbH


Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation, Note: 2,0, , Veranstaltung: International Strategy, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The author created a list of 25 criteria regarding key facts of the countries as well as criteria which are important for the target audience of the company "Mymuesli". 26 countries were selected based in Europe and /or with a high GDP. Moreover, an Excel sheet was created and all countries were analyzed by all the 25 indicators. Indicators were for example GDP, language, distance, earnings per capital, delivery cost, obesity rate, and gym contracts. Afterwards the countries got ranked from best to worst. After that the most important criteria for Mymuesli were selected. For the next possible expenditures, the author took the shortlist of countries which underwent the same procedure. From these results the 5 strongest countries which were the most promising and best suited for Mymuesli were chosen. Each of those countries was analyzed in more detail. Afterwards the author chose the country for which an internationalization strategy was evaluated.Mymuesli is a young German company who was the first entity introducing the mass customization to the food sector in 2007. The presented company offers individualized and customizable breakfast cereals to its customers.

Informations bibliographiques

juin 2020, 31 Pages, Allemand


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