Elsevier's Case Study Practice Review for the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN)

Elsevier's Case Study Practice Review for the Next Generation NCLEX ...


Use case studies and practice exams to prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX-RN®! Designed for nursing students, Elsevier’s Case Study Practice Review for the Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) provides step-by-step advice and concrete methods to solving case studies and targeted questions that help you build critical thinking and clinical judgement skills. A combined total of 130 stand-alone and unfolding case studies are offered in the book and its Evolve website, with rationales for correct and incorrect answers, the clinical judgement skill being tested, and Elsevier text references for further learning. Written by noted educator Kara Sealock, this review ensures that you are ready for success on the NGN and in your nursing career.

  • Review content reflects the new 2023 Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) test plan and its emphasis on clinical judgement cognitive skills
  • Case studies for the NGN prepare you for the biggest change to the NCLEX-RN® test plan to date - the addition of questions measuring clinical judgement skills
  • Two in-text practice exams include 100 stand-alone and unfolding case studies for the NGN, giving you plenty of testing practice with critical thinking and clinical judgement skills
  • Case studies on the Evolve website include all case studies from the book in interactive format plus 30 additional case studies, creating a virtually unlimited number of practice sessions or tests in Study Mode or Exam Mode
  • In-depth rationales are provided for both correct and incorrect answers to each question
  • Answer keys for each practice test

Bibliografische Angaben

August 2025, Englisch



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