Micro:bit Coding Cards

Micro:bit Coding Cards


Colorful programming flash cards introduce the micro:bit hardware and programming through a series of interactive projects.

The BBC micro:bit is an affordable, tiny electronics board developed to teach beginning programmers (especially kids) about coding and hardware. This small board hosts sensors, LEDs, wireless capabilities, and a small bundle of brains, and has been used in projects around the world, from displaying simple smiley face animations to being sent to space to take pictures.

Micro:bit Coding Cards provide an interactive introduction to the micro:bit and computer programming in JavaScript. The cards teach beginning coding concepts like variables, logic, conditionals, and loops one step at a time. You can choose to do just a few cards a day, or work through the deck more quickly and tackle them in one sitting.

These highly visual cards make concepts easy to follow and keep learning dynamic and fun. They begin by teaching a set of basic skills and then continue into a series of projects that increase in difficulty as you progress through the deck. You'll learn to use and combine hardware and sensors such as 25 individually-programmable LEDs, programmable buttons, physical connection pins, light and temperature sensors, and motion sensors and will learn exciting hacks like sending secret messages to other users and building a real-time visual temperature sensor. By creating and building your own projects, you will see just how fun learning to program can be!

Bibliografische Angaben

Januar 2079, ca. 78 Seiten, Englisch
Random House N.Y.

