Breaking Boundaries

Breaking Boundaries

Varieties of Liminality


"A topic with a very broad appeal, namely liminality, [is] treated here as an analytical concept. While liminality has been a widespread concept in anthropology and social theory for decades, largely owing to Victor Turner's seminal work, it has rarely been scrutinized properly, and this volume is to be welcomed. In some ways, this kind of book is long overdue." · Thomas Hylland Eriksen, University of Oslo "The book is a timely intervention which secures firmer grounding for liminality as one of the key concepts in social theory... Theoretically strong, and with an empirical range that takes in pre- and post-Revolutionary France, the frontier building of the American West, Egypt's Tahrir Square, and the liminality of the postcommunist Eastern bloc, the book provides a valuable contribution to debates on liminality, transformation, and contingency in the social and political world." · Les Roberts, University of Liverpool Liminality has the potential to be a leading paradigm for understanding transformation in a globalizing world. As a fundamental human experience, liminality transmits cultural practices, codes, rituals, and meanings in situations that fall between defined structures and have uncertain outcomes. Based on case studies of some of the most important crises in history, society, and politics, this volume explores the methodological range and applicability of the concept to a variety of concrete social and political problems. Agnes Horvath is a co-founder and editor of the peer-reviewed journal International Political Anthropology and is a visiting scholar of Sociology at Cambridge University. She is the author or co-author of eight books, including, most recently, Reclaiming Beauty (co-edited with James B. Cuffe, Ficino Press, 2012), Modernism and Charisma (Palgrave, 2013), and Statesman: The Politics of Limits and the Liminal (co-edited with John O'Brien, Tivoli, 2013). Bjørn Thomassen is Associate Professor in the Department of Society and Globalisation, Roskilde University, and is a co-founder and editor of the journal International Political Anthropology. His recent publications include Liminality and the Modern: Living Through the In-Between (Ashgate, 2014), and the edited collection Global Rome: Changing Faces of the Eternal City (Indiana University Press, 2014). Harald Wydra is a Fellow of St Catharine's College at the University of Cambridge, where he has taught politics since 2003, and is a co-founder and editor of the journal International Political Anthropology. His books include Communism and the Emergence of Democracy (Cambridge University Press, 2007), Democracy and Myth in Russia and Eastern Europe (co-edited with Alexander Wöll, Routledge, 2008), and Politics and the Sacred (Cambridge University Press, 2015).

Bibliografische Angaben

Mai 2015, 264 Seiten, Englisch
Ingram Publishers Services



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