Colorful cartoons, engaging learning aids, and an easy-to-read approach make it enjoyable to learn A&P! Herlihy’s The Human Body in Health and Illness, 8th Edition introduces you to the anatomy and physiology concepts needed for effective clinical practice. Organized by body systems, this text simplifies the often-intimidating subject of A&P with clear, step-by-step explanations, hundreds of full-color drawings, fascinating anecdotes, relevant clinical examples, and vivid online animations. It illustrates how each organ system is designed to function - and what happens when a system fails.
- EXPANDED! Ramp It Up! boxes present advanced and clinically relevant physiology to help you establish a solid basis for an understanding of pathophysiology, pharmacology, and commonly used diagnostic procedures
- UPDATED! Move It content detailing the physiologic effects of exercise is summarized chapter-by-chapter in an appendix at the end of the text. References to this content are included throughout the chapters
- UPDATED! Re-Think feature encourages you to re-examine what you just read in the text and the figures related to the text content
- UPDATED! Go Figure feature, now located at the end of the chapter in the Review Your Knowledge section, encourages you to interpret the figures in the chapter to reinforce the importance of the concepts presented
- UNIQUE! Dedicated chapters cover the key topics of water, electrolytes, acid-base balance, and human development and heredity
- Full-color illustrations simplify difficult concepts and complex processes, and colorful cartoons use humor to clarify and reinforce the content, making it more memorable, accessible, and easy to understand
- Interesting analogies, examples, and anecdotes make learning easier and bring science to life, even with no background in biology, chemistry, or physics
- Key terms and objectives begin every chapter, setting learning expectations and goals, with terms defined in a comprehensive glossary
- Engaging learning and review features include Ramp It Up! and As You Age boxes, plus Sum It Up boxes that reinforce key information
- Focus on medical terminology includes Medical Terminology and Disorders tables with derivations and word parts, along with references to commonly used medical terminology
- EXPANDED Do You Know boxes call out key clinical situations and historical events related to A&P
- RESTRUCTURED Re-Think content is refashioned as an end-of-chapter study tool, simplifying the content features in the body of chapters
- RESTRUCTURED Move It content is reorganized as tables, further simplifying the chapter elements