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Minna's Masks (Wonderfully Wired Stories)

Minna's Masks (Wonderfully Wired Stories)


This heart-warming and inclusive picture book introduces the concept of masking to young children - neurodivergent or otherwise. Meet Minna. When Minna needs to feel brave, she wears a mask, when she meets new people, she wears a mask. On Minna's first day at a new school, she realises she's left her masks at home and starts to feel very nervous indeed. Things are too loud and too noisy - what if she says the wrong thing or does something silly? But when a classmate shows Minna the mask in his back pocket, she realises she's not alone. Perhaps it is possible to be accepted - with or without a mask. Masking is used by people to help them fit in or adjust to situations where they may otherwise feel insecure, or unsure. Through Minna's story, readers will learn about masking as well as important lessons about empathy and compassion. From Louise Gooding, author of Wonderfully Wired Brains, which was 'Highly Commended' at The Week Junior book awards, comes this vibrant and inclusive picture book series of Wonderfully Wired Stories that sensitively explores a range of neurodivergent experiences. Each book comes with expert guidance to help caregivers discuss big topics with their little learners.

Bibliografische Angaben

August 2025, ca. 32 Seiten, Englisch
Dorling Kindersley


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