Greek and Latin Roots of Medical and Scientific Terminologies

Greek and Latin Roots of Medical and Scientific Terminologies


Greek and Latin Roots of Medical and Scientific Terminologies links medical terms to the history, literature, and mythology of ancient culture and allows classicists to teach medical terminology as a true classical civilizations course

This unique textbook provides a working knowledge of "med-speak," the specialized language of medicine and science. Requiring no background in Greek or Latin, students will learn the literal meanings of the Greek and Latin words and word elements that form medico-scientific language by using a linguistic approach to this terminology.

By presenting medical terms in their historical context, the author helps students easily memorize Greek and Latin vocabulary, recognize the meaning of compound terms, and decipher unfamiliar medical nomenclature by applying principles of word analysis, synthesis, and pronunciation.

The chapters are organized around body systems, containing clear explanations of ancient medico-scientific culture, etymological notes, images, and tables of vocabulary. The textbook's accompanying website provides review questions and numerous exercises that will help students to develop a strong understanding of Greek and Latin word elements in a wide variety of medical and scientific contexts.

The practical approaches taken in this textbook provide a solid foundation to learning medico-scientific language:

  • Teaches the etymologies of Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, roots, eponyms, and loan words
  • Covers the analysis, construction, pronunciation, and spelling of medical terms
  • Addresses the grammatical paradigms used in anatomical Latin
  • Explains how these terms are used in the context of modern medicine, pharmacy, and life sciences
  • Includes a list of common abbreviations and symbols used in medical documentation and scientific writing

Bibliografische Angaben

September 2024, 528 Seiten, Englisch



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