Fundamentals of Soil Behavior

Fundamentals of Soil Behavior


Authoritative and generously illustrated resource covering the many properties of soil and its behavior needed for addressing geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering projects and problems.

The Fourth Edition of Fundamentals of Soil Behavior has been thoroughly updated to provide the latest information on the physical properties of soil and the fundamentals of its behavior over time, with hundreds of tables and graphs illustrating correlations among composition, classification, state, and static and dynamic properties. Overall, each topic is addressed in a micro-to-macro sequence, building on behaviors at atomic to interparticle scales to develop understanding of ground properties and behaviors at the macro-scale.

This Fourth Edition includes two new chapters on the influences of fabric and structure and temperature-dependent soil behavior. It offers the latest developments in imaging technology, image analysis, and numerical simulations that have advanced research on the complexities of soil behavior. The content has been reviewed, consolidated, and reorganized so that each chapter includes only key information. The text features end-of-chapter questions and problems to aid in seamless reader comprehension and information retention.

Updated by true thought leaders in the field, the Fourth Edition of Fundamentals of Soil Behavior includes detailed information on:

  • Soil formation, covering the earth's crust, geologic cycle and time, rock and mineral stability, weathering, and origin of clay minerals and genesis.
  • Soil mineralogy, covering atomic structure, interatomic bonding, secondary bonds, crystal notation, silicate crystals, smectite minerals, and clay mineral characteristics.
  • Fundamental engineering characterization of soil, covering particle size distribution granular soils and engineering properties of clay minerals.
  • Observing and quantifying soil fabric, covering qualitative assessment of fabric, cohesive soil fabric, and cohesive and cohesionless soils.
  • The physics and chemistry of fluid and seepage flows.
  • The fundamentals of volume change, deformation and strength properties of soils.

Providing an understanding of soil behavior, a fundamental requisite to a wide variety of engineering applications including foundation design and construction, earthwork construction, and geotechnical engineering, Fundamentals of Soil Behavior is an essential learning resource for geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineers, geologists, geophysicists, and students studying geotechnical engineering and granular materials.

Bibliografische Angaben

Juli 2025, Englisch


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