Safety engineering is an engineering discipline with an interdisciplinary and application-oriented focus. The main focus is on the knowledge-based development and application of methods for the analysis and prevention of hazards and the minimization of remaining hazards to human safety and health and to the environment, particularly in connection with technically complex products, systems and processes. At the University of Wuppertal, Germany, safety engineering has been an established teaching and research area for 50 years. It covers a wide area of subjects from e. g. plant and product safety over energy efficiency to safety and quality law. This book provides an overview of the fundamentals, methods and current research results as well as examples of the application of teaching and research activities in safety engineering at the University of Wuppertal. The target groups are therefore equally engineers, scientists and engineering students who deal with questions of safety engineering in an application-oriented and scientific context.
The Content
Plant and product safety - Substance and material safety - Occupational safety - Ergonomics - Environmental safety - Traffic safety - Reliability Engineering - Energy efficiency - Consumer protection - Civil protection and disaster control - Fire and explosion protection - Safety and quality law
The Editors
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Bracke studied mechanical engineering at the University of Bochum and completed his doctorate in the field of quality assurance in product recycling. After working at Porsche AG and the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, he has been Professor of Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Safety Engineering at the University of Wuppertal since 2010. He was also accepted as a visiting professor at Meiji University in Tokyo, Japan, from 2016 - 2019. The focus of his research and teaching is on reliability engineering and risk analysis in the development, manufacture and field use of technical products.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ralf Pieper , graduate economist. After studying economics at the University of Kassel, Ralf Pieper was a research assistant at the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in Dortmund. Since 2003, he has been head of the Chair of Safety and Quality Law at the Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering at the University of Wuppertal. Ralf Pieper is editor-in-chief of the journal "sicher ist sicher" and author of scientific commentaries on occupational health and safety law.