Revolutionize food manufacturing with the latest in automating technology
Virtually every area of industry has been transformed by robotics and AI, which have automated production and increased efficiency in myriad ways. Until recently, food manufacturing was an exception to the trend. At present, however, the food manufacturing industry is in the process of a transformation which will see automation deliver the same levels of productivity and uniformity that have revolutionized other sectors of the economy.
Food Engineering Automation with Robotics and AI is a comprehensive introduction to the areas of intersection between cutting-edge technologies and food manufacturing. Beginning with an overview of the basic principles of food engineering, the book then details applications of robotics and AI in this field, along with the way automation is integrated at every stage of food production. The structure of the book seamlessly blends theory and practice to maximize reader capacity to put its lessons into motion.
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Food Engineering Automation with Robotics and AI is ideal for the growing, global market for food automation technologies in the coming years.