Drawing Cute with Katie Cook

Drawing Cute with Katie Cook

200+ Lessons for Drawing Super Adorable Stuff


Fun fact: A lot of animals are shaped like potatoes.
Another fun fact: Potatoes are easy to draw.
Another another fun fact: If you can draw a potato, you can draw animals.

Master of cute Katie Cook teaches you how to draw everything adorable in her first tutorial book with quick and easy-to-follow step-by-step lessons. All you need is a pencil and paper...or a napkin or a wall, depending on how confident you are in your drawing ability. Learn how to turn curvy blobs, shapes and squiggles into more than 200 different things, including fuzzy animals, cute food and inanimate objects like yarns balls, luggage and a toaster. Add nubbins, swishy bits, and little smiley faces to anything and everything to transform it into something really, really cute.

• How to draw lots of cats: fluffy cats, non-fluffy cats, cats in boxes, Polaroids of cats on refrigerators*
• How to draw food like ketchup delivery sticks, spicy dragon claws and tiny broccoli trees
• Perfect for doodling during class or in meetings
For fans of drawing turkeys from hand outlines (gobble, gobble) or Ed Emberley's super simple drawing instruction books that use shapes, letters and even thumbprints as starting points, Drawing Cute with Katie Cook is a must-own adorable drawing manual, complete with Doctor Who references, fun facts and bad puns.

"If you know how to draw a potato, the art world is an open door." --Katie Cook

* Don't worry, there are lots of dog drawings, too!

Bibliografische Angaben

Februar 2018, 128 Seiten, Englisch
Ingram Publishers Services


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