Concussions remain a common problem for all ages and not just specific for athletes. Recent scientific literature has expanded our understanding of concussions. Therefore, concussion guidelines and recommendations continue to evolve. All health care professionals and clinicians are often challenged to keep up with these advances.
Written from the unique perspectives of a primary care physicians who also specialize in sports medicine and have extensive concussion clinical experience, Concussion Management for Primary Care, 2e serves as a valuable resource for physicians, providers, and any other clinician evaluating or treating patients with a possible concussion. This fully revised and expanded second edition, provides evidence-based yet practical approach to diagnosing and treating concussions in children and adults. Each chapter includes practical, clinically based questions and explanations. An updated literature search and clinical expertise is included in each section. The chapters conclude with a “key points” section with quick and essential take home points. All these features make this text an invaluable resource to anyone wanting to learn more about concussions.