Chronic Health Conditions and Work

Chronic Health Conditions and Work

Proactive Strategies for Supporting Employees and Doing Well by Doing Good


People with chronic health conditions make up a large and integral part of the workforce. While few would deny that chronic health conditions can create challenges for both workers and their employing organizations, there are misperceptions about how best to support affected employees. Typical supports that organizations have historically used (including wellness programs and return-to-work programs) are insufficient to meet the under-recognized needs of employees with chronic health conditions. This book translates research and provides practical solutions and steps for implementing a more proactive, integrated approach to help leaders and frontline managers better support their employees, and to help organizations gain a competitive advantage through attracting and retaining valued employees. Chronic Health Conditions and Work provides background information on chronic health conditions, disabilities, the legal landscape, and typical supports that organizations have used, along with information on complex and common work-health challenges faced by employees, managers, and organizations. The book then provides proactive solutions that leaders, frontline managers, human resource professionals, coaches, consultants, and other practitioners can enact at the levels of the organization (culture, benefits, policies), the job (autonomy, flexibility, supervisor support, job accommodations), and the individual employee (coaching, mentoring, group programs). Readers will develop a comprehensive understanding of both the importance of, and how to implement, changes at all three of these levels to decrease stigma and promote employee well-being, inclusion, and work ability, and will gain tools to help them make a business case for taking a more proactive approach to supporting employees with chronic health conditions.

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