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Carl Schmitt in the Middle East

Carl Schmitt in the Middle East

Unstable Decisionism and the Failure of Political Orders


This book presents a critical examination of Carl Schmitt's political framework, particularly in the context of decisionist regimes in the Middle East. Departing from conventional discussions on Schmitt, it challenges the perceived stability and power promised by the 'friend-enemy' dichotomy, revealing the inherent chaos and dysfunction beneath the decisionist facade. By contextualizing Schmitt's ideas within the complex political landscape of the Middle East, it sheds light on the region's regimes, hitherto unexplored through a Schmittian lens. Distinctive in its approach, the book reframes Schmitt's theoretical contributions, diverging from normative assessments and legal dichotomies to explore the functionality of his proposed political alternative. Through an interdisciplinary lens that integrates discussions of sectarianization, coup-proofing, and neopatrimonialism, it unveils the broader implications of decisionist practices, transcending conventional elite-centric power analyses. Offering a unique dual contribution to the literature, this book presents a fresh critique of Schmitt's ideology, challenging its efficacy in ensuring long-term regime stability. Moreover, by applying a Schmittian perspective to the Middle Eastern context, it not only recontextualizes Schmitt's concepts but also prompts new inquiries into the region's political stability, marking a significant advancement in the understanding of decisionism and governance dynamics in the Middle East.

Samuel Mace has a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in Politics. He received his B.A. and M.A. from Lancaster University and Ph.D. from the University of Leeds. He has a strong background in both Political Theory and Middle Eastern studies. His Ph.D. on Carl Schmitt’s decisionism and its practical value called ‘The Downfall of Decisionism’ is not his only work. He currently has a journal article under review citing Schmitt’s relationship with Hobbes’ work and a book chapter illuminating the challenges the Syrian regime has faced in its institution building in the book Sectarianism, De-Sectarianization and Regional Politics in The Middle East: Protest and Proxies Across States and Borders which is coming out in December.

Bibliografische Angaben

Februar 2026, Middle East Today, Englisch
Springer International Publishing


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