Bounce Back From Bankruptcy

Bounce Back From Bankruptcy


25 years after being published, Bounce Back From Bankruptcy remains the first and most popular book on rebuilding your life after bankruptcy, whether you are newly bankrupt or your bankruptcy was discharged years ago.

When you want to avoid credit whenever possible, want to learn how to "do credit right", or you find yourself already drowning in debt after bankruptcy, this edition is specifically designed to give you an easy-to-follow roadmap for becoming financially solvent and financially secure.

When you finish reading this book, you'll:

  • feel fully empowered to determine how and when you want to spend your money
  • quickly and easily analyze credit and financing offers -- including secrets creditors don't want you to know 
  • stop being at the mercy of creditors and their high interest rates simply because you've "gone bankrupt"
  • develop new skills for handling money more effectively
  • effortlessly begin saving money
  • confidently know whether you're making a financial decision out of fear or because it's truly the best financial decision for you and your goals
  • never again jump at credit offers out of fear
  •  know you can take or leave any credit offer and still have what you want
Includes updated details on how to select the best post-bankruptcy credit cards, home buying programs, car buying or leasing options, credit-less travel options, and effortless savings strategies -- plus step-by-step guidance for repairing your credit, paying off debt that wasn't discharged in your bankruptcy, and taking control of new debt after bankruptcy.

Discover for yourself the power of the "after bankruptcy" book attorneys and trustees recommend above all others, and reclaim your financial self-confidence.

Bibliografische Angaben

Oktober 2025, ca. 262 Seiten, Englisch
Ingram Publishers Services


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