For more than 60.000 years Australian Aborigines live on the Australian continent. They accept the nature a nd world as part of their life and this closeness to nature is characteristic for genuine Australian Aborigines. Thus the term Dreamtime expresses their particular worldview and values. One part of Australian Aborigines´ life are Dreamtime tracks which Aborigines follow through the country. They lead to sacred sites of their a ncestors and are significant places for their cultural knowledge and traditions. Ceremonies take place at those locations during which Australian Aborigines produce paintings among other things. In addition to that knowledge about their a ncestors and the Dreamtime will be transmitted within a social group through those ceremonies including their paintings. The intension of this term paper is to give a short overview about the Dreamtime, their ancestors and tracks. Moreover it will clarify types, materials and functions of paintings as well as their meanings and importance during ceremonies. This term paper aims at analyzing that those produced paintings are essential for transmitting Aborigines´ Dreamtime knowledge and without Dreamtime paintings the transmission of Dreamtime knowledge of genuine Australian Aborigines about nature, ancestors and tracks within a social group will be disrupted.