Internet has become the most proliferative platform for emerging large-scale computing paradigms. Among these, data and web technologies are two most prominent paradigms, in a variety of forms such as Data Centers, Cloud Computing, Mobile Cloud, Mobile Web Services, and so on. These technologies altogether create a digital ecosystem whose corner stone is the data cycle, from capturing to processing, analysis and visualization. The investigation of various research and development issues in this digital ecosystem is boosted by the ever-increasing needs of real life applications, which are based on storing and processing large amounts of data.
The volume “Advances in Internet, Data & Web Technologies” presents original contributions to the theories and practices of emerging Internet, Data and Web technologies and their applicability in businesses, engineering and academia. As a key feature, it addresses advances in the life-cycle exploitation of data generated from the digital ecosystem data technologies that create value for the knowledge and businesses towards a collective intelligence approach.
Researchers, software developers, practitioners and students interested in the field of data and web technologies will find this book useful and a reference for their activity.