Better understand and retain the material in Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, Fifth Edition, with this dynamic workbook. A wide variety of engaging exercises - including illustration labeling, case studies, matching activities, fill-in-the-blank questions, short-answer questions, and more - gives you an integrated and highly visual approach to learning sectional anatomy and its application in diagnostic imaging.
- NEW Digital images showcase the full range of advancements in imaging, including 3D and vascular technology
- NEW! Contiguous images in multiple planes enhance chapters covering the brain, abdomen, and cranial and facial bones
- Practice activities, including matching, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, fill-in-the-table, and short-answer test your recall and understanding of key terminology and foundational concepts
- Image labeling exercises reinforce correct anatomical identification of key landmarks on a variety of diagnostic images
- Case studies with questions promote critical thinking and application skills
- Learning aids throughout help in creating memory permanence
- Cross-reference images and anatomy maps provide additional guidance in labeling and identification