In this book, Christian Hürlimann examines valuation methods and their application in the context of managerial finance within renewable energy investments. Besides a review of classical finance models, the application of other contemporary techniques are discussed. Based on a mixed-methods approach, current practices in performing valuation are empirically analyzed among German and Swiss investors. The developed concepts provide practitioners tools to define equity value drivers, consider risk treatments and value investments along the two dimensions of value creation and value protection.
- valuation methods within the finance literature
- valuation methods and their application in the context of managerial finance within renewable energy investments
- tools to define the relevant equity value drivers, to consider risk treatments, and to value renewable energy investments along the two dimensions of value creation and value protection
Target Groups- Lectures and students of managerial finance and energy systems
- Professionals in the sector of renewable energy investments
The Author
As managing director, Christian Hürlimann is responsible for the renewable energy based production portfolio of a power utility. He holds a MSc (ETH Zurich), a MBA (University of Southern Queensland, Australia), and a PhD (University of Gloucestershire, UK). His research interests lie in the fields of green investments, private equity valuation and risk management.