The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Retirement Series, Volume 20

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Retirement Series, Volume 20

1 July 1823 to 31 March 1824
Herausgegeben von:Looney J. Jefferson


A definitive new volume of the retirement papers of Thomas JeffersonDuring the period covered by the 575 documents in this volume, Jefferson advises President James Monroe on what later becomes known as the "Monroe Doctrine." He also approves of the Greek independence movement in correspondence with the scholar and political leader Adamantios Coray. Jefferson says that the "most dangerous blot" on the U.S. Constitution is the provision under which a vote by the states in the House of Representatives decides elections not settled by the Electoral College. With his allies in Virginia's General Assembly, he succeeds in converting the University of Virginia's loans from the state Literary Fund into an outright grant and obtains an additional $50,000 for books and scientific instruments. He seeks advice on regulating and equipping the institution, helps to obtain its architectural capitals, and designs its gymnasia. Jefferson describes coffee as "the favorite beverage of the civilised world" and advises a namesake child to "Adore God. reverence and cherish your parents. love your neighbor as yourself; and your country more than life. be just. be true. murmur not at the ways of Providence, and the life into which you have entered will be the passage to one of eternal and ineffable bliss."

Bibliografische Angaben

März 2024, 784 Seiten, Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, Englisch
University Presses


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