Dr. Harvey Karp is famous for his brilliant insights into centuries-old parenting problems and for discovering breakthrough solutions that are simple . . . practical . . . and fast working. In The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep, he works his magic once again on the #1 complaint of new parents. The bone-deep fatigue that parents experience when their children sleep poorly is not just a nuisance—it is very serious. Sleep deprivation can provoke depression, illness, marital conflict, and even obesity.
A flood of sleep misinformation and contradictory messages have left parents more confused than ever: “Hold your baby—but don’t spoil her!” “Swaddle your baby—but don’t let him get dependent on it!” Based on Dr. Karp’s thirty years as a pediatrician and child developmentalist, The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep reveals groundbreaking new ideas to prevent or cure most sleep problems in children under five years old, including:
Plus, The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep reveals many more foolproof tips used by Dr. Karp with thousands of families to quickly turn nighttime shrieks into nightlong slumber.