The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance. Shown on the Example of Oyam Town Council, Uganda

The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance. Shown on the ...


Forschungsarbeit aus dem Jahr 2022 im Fachbereich Führung und Personal - Mitarbeitermotivation, Note: B, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This study focused on determining the effect of motivation on employee performance in Oyam Town Council in Uganda. The study examines the relationship between employee performance and salary, establishes the relationship between job security and employee performance in Oyam Town Council. A cross-sectional survey design method was used in which secondary data was collected using a computer from authorized sources.The study used a sample size of 52 respondents from a total population of 60 and thematic analysis techniques were done with the help of Stata and a statistical package for social scientists software, after which inferential statistics were made. According to Omollo, as an input, an organization must have a statement, a philosophy, a series of programs and goals which focuses on the skills and talents of its employees for it’s success. All of these must be managed with care and guidance so that the organization’s mission, duration for it’s stability of the work and continuity is successfully accomplished. Therefore, the Motivation effect is a need inside employee’s demands and help to achieve it without irregularities, and motivating the employees broadens their skills to meet the organizational demands.In addition, every branch manager needs to have the responsibility to work with the staff and obtain out their individual needs and put them to the organization’s needs. This can be done by motivating employees. Every individual in an organization is motivated by some different ways and therefore, employee motivation is a reflection of the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a Company’s workers bring to their jobs. A manager needed to motivate employees and subordinates towards the accomplishment of the organization’s vision. Therefore, motivation is defined as giving employees incentives that cause them to act in desired ways.

Bibliografische Angaben

Januar 2022, 40 Seiten, Deutsch


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