Lluis Oviedo is Full Professor of Theological Anthropology at the Pontifical University Antonianum. Some of his books are: "La secularización como problema", "Altruismo y caridad" and "La fe cristiana ante los nuevos desafíos sociales". Co-publisher with Anne Runehov of the Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions, 4 vols. His current research is in the field of the cognitive sciences of religion and their theological impact.
This book offers an updated version of the credibility treatise as part of a fundamental theology. Focusing on practical arguments that make Christian faith interesting and positive for improving the quality of one's life and relationships, it shows how the Christian faith is beneficial for the individual, the family and society as a whole. The book draws from recent literature on religious coping; religion and resilience; religion and well-being; religion and human flourishing to make the case for Christian faith as a good choice. This book also addresses the most difficult challenges facing the Christian faith in our time, such as a secularising environment, struggles with science, a troubled past, or simply the problem of making faith a convincing life style. It's an important read for scholars of theology, faith, and non-belief.