Social Work in an Unequal World

Social Work in an Unequal World

Herausgegeben von:Baikady, Rajendra


Social work is a human service profession that continues to work for human wellbeing and achieving a just and equal society. However, the gross inequality in the form of wealth, economy, concentration of resources and power, as well as gender, race, and social and political access challenge the ability of a social worker in addressing the social problems experienced by most marginalized people in the world. Social Work in an Unequal World focuses on the social work profession and education and explores different dimensions of inequality around the globe. The book particularly addresses some of the pertinent questions: How does social work operate in an unequal and unfair world? As social work educators, how do we respond to this? How do we address these issues in our classrooms? To what extent do our pedagogy, curriculum, and teaching and learning methods respond to these unequal treatments in a global society? How do we in our classrooms impart practical and professional skills required for social workers to address this gross inequality? How does social work respond to different forms of inequality in the world? The principal aim of the book is to generate evidence-based literature on a social work educators role in addressing inequality. The book aims to help social work educators, students, practitioners, and policy makers think critically about the skills and knowledge they need to understand and tackle inequality and provide meaningful help to the people most in need.

Bibliografische Angaben

September 2025, Englisch
Oxford Academic


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