Social Loft

Social Loft

Auf der Suche nach neuen Wohnformen / En quête de nouvelles formes d'habitat
Herausgegeben von:Frenzel, Eik|Dreier, Yves


¿ What role do new forms of housing play? How do they influence social processes and what social models underlie communal forms of living? ¿ The cooperative as an urban living model links living, working, leisure and social responsibility - which architectural and urban planning models take this into account? The population growth in our cities requires us to think about the way we live together. Living and working, leisure, retreat and community collide. At the same time, our society is becoming more diverse, and the most varied lifestyles are breaking with classic family models. We are looking for forms of living that can meet these different demands. Social loft is a synonym for the forms of cooperative housing examined in this book. Actors from a wide range of professions have their say, providing approaches to the topic at different levels. After all, the initial situation makes it clear that it is not possible for all the contemporary living questions to be solved with a single structural answer, and a network of experts is needed instead. The starting point for the investigations is the Écoquartier de la Jonction in Geneva realised by the editors - 330 apartments in three residential buildings (realized according to different ownership or housing cooperative models) - reveals itself both as a planning method and as a strategy for bundling various actors and forces for implementation.

Bibliografische Angaben

August 2023, 320 Seiten, Französisch/Deutsch
Triest Verlag


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