Recruitment Strategies and Organizational Performance in the Hospitality Industry in Nigeria

Recruitment Strategies and Organizational Performance in the ...


Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2021 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: B, , course: MANAGEMENT, language: English, abstract: The study examined recruitment strategies and organizational performance in the hospitality industry in Nigeria. The main objective is to examine the effect of recruitment strategies on organizational performance in the hospitality industry in Nigeria. Literatures were reviewed in the context of conceptual review, empirical review and theoretical review. The study adopted a cross- sectional survey design to sample a fair representation of the target population. It made use of both primary and secondary data. Structured questionnaire was used to generate primary and five- point Likert scale and five hypotheses were drawn for the study. Interview was also conducted to corroborate responses gathered through questionnaire. Taro Yamane’s sample size formular for finite population was adopted by the study. The five hypotheses were tested using multiple regressions analysis at 0.05 level of significance and statistical packages for social science (SPSS) version 20 was used to analyze the descriptive data. Findings showed that, job advertisement, selection interview, referral and private employment agencies had positive and significant effect on organizational performance while host community recruitment did not show significant impact on organizational performance. Reason was that hotels in Nigeria have not recruited staff through the host community recruitment window in spite of its peaceful business ideals. Results from the regression analyses showed that job advertisement had a statistical significant effect on organizational performance with (coefficient =0.406, p=0.00<0.5), employee’s referral recruitment had a significant effect on organizational performance with ( coefficient =0.473, p=0.000<0.05), employment agencies also had significant effect on organizational performance with (coefficient = 0.4735,p=0.000<0.05), Selection interview demonstrated a significant effect on organizational performance with (coefficient =0.545, p=0.000<0.05) while host community recruitment did not have significant effect on organizational performance as shown by (coefficient =0.592, p=0.051>0.05). The study concluded that recruitment strategies significantly affect organizational performance in the selected hospitality firms. [...]

Bibliografische Angaben

Dezember 2021, 116 Seiten, Englisch


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