Since the publication of Roy Bhaskar’s A Realist Theory of Science in 1975, critical realism has been evolved as one of the new developments in the areas of philosophy of natural and social science which offers an alternatively fresh view to the existing theories including positivism and post-modernism. Bhaskar’s intellectual movement, which is now fully international and multi-disciplinary, and continues to influence the philosophies of natural and social science, has transformed into ‘Dialectical Critical Realism’ (hereafter DCR) and the philosophy of ‘meta-Reality.’
MinGyu will conclude that his anti-anthropic Non-duality continues through all the steps of Bhaskar’s thought, maintaining the consistency of his scientific, metaphysical, and spiritual journey. The anti-anthropic motif is fully realized in the philosophy of Non-duality - the ‘constellational identification of dualism, duality and non-duality’ in his meta-Reality. Defending Bhaskar against Collier, Agar, and Morgan, MinGyu tries to show how its anti-anthropic and non-dualistic foundation is sustained through the whole of Bhaskar’s journey, involving a transformation of its subject matters from reality, to the dialectic of reality, to the real truth underlying the former stages.
This book provides an indispensible resource for all students of philosophy and the human sciences.