Realities in Pedagogical and Phenomenological Contexts

Realities in Pedagogical and Phenomenological Contexts

Experience, Mediality, and Optimisation in Education


What is real? What is evident? What is true? These questions of the constitution of reality in our experiences are among the key questions of phenomenology since its beginning. Lately, they become especially relevant under conditions of digitalisation, acceleration, optimisation, crises, and pandemics. In this volume, these questions are taken up in different interdisciplinary and intercultural, phenomenological perspectives from a pedagogical point of view. Starting from a critique of instrumental scientism and optimisation, the contributions in this book ask about the theoretical, empirical, methodological, and practical constitution of reality within experiences of learning, Bildung, and education, as well as the subjects, materialities, and mediality of such experiences in different pedagogical fields and institutions. The contributions show how Phenomenological Pedagogy is fruitful to explore the realities of pedagogical practices, by grasping lifeworldy, lived-bodily, and social experiences in a qualitatively meaningful, empirical and experience-oriented way. It can thus serve as an alternative to positivistic, scientistic, idealistic, or psychologistic approaches.


About the Editors

Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann holds the Chair for General Pedagogy at the Department of Education Studies at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Johannes Türstig and Martin Weber-Spanknebel are research assistants at the Department of Education Studies at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Bibliografische Angaben

Mai 2025, ca. 450 Seiten, Phänomenologische Erziehungswissenschaft, Englisch
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH


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