Configure and use SAP S/4HANA for discrete, process, and repetitive manufacturing! Walk through every aspect of production planning, from defining work centers and creating control recipes to releasing process orders and scrapping materials. Then dive into batch management, S&OP, DDMRP, pMRP, production engineering and operations, and more. This comprehensive guide is full of industry examples to help you maximize your production planning!
1) Discrete, process, and repetitive manufacturing
2) Batch management
3) Sales and operations planning (S&OP)
4) Demand management
5) Demand-driven replenishment (DDR)
6) Material requirements planning (MRP)
7) Predictive material and resource planning (pMRP)
8) Capacity requirements planning
9) Production planning and detailed scheduling (PP/DS)
10) Production engineering and operations
11) Kanban
12) Reporting and analysis