Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes

Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes

Teaching and Learning in International Contexts


As the delivery of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) continues to expand internationally, so too must the literature available to support teaching. This volume showcases some of the research-informed work in this exciting and complex field, providing insights into EAP pedagogies employed in a diverse range of contexts. Drawing on the work of practitioners and practitioner-researchers, it responds to the repeated calls for a firmer link between theory, research and practice in language teaching, and provides a much-needed focus on pedagogy. From contexts where English is the principal dominant societal language or one of several official languages, to those where English-medium instruction (EMI) is common in higher education as an additional language for students and faculty, the chapters explore a range of geographical contexts, including Brazil, Canada, China, Norway, South Africa, Turkey, the UAE, the UK and the USA. Diversity is also represented in the range of types of EAP provision featured in this volume. Contributions focus on EAP for undergraduate and postgraduate students, from lower to advanced proficiency levels, before and during degree study, and in English for both general and specific academic purposes teaching, with discussion of consequences for on-going teacher education. Pedagogic responses and innovations to these varied contexts and needs are illustrated in the range of contributions, which provide insights into current practices in EAP globally.

Bibliografische Angaben

März 2023, 240 Seiten, New Perspectives for English for Academic Purposes, Englisch
Bloomsbury Academic



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