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Medical Toxicology

Medical Toxicology

Occupational and Environmental Exposures, Multi-Volume
Herausgegeben von:Palmer, Robert B.


In-depth, evidence-based resource covering important toxins affecting human health and safety Medical Toxicology of Occupational and Environmental Exposures presents crucial information on various important toxins that affect human health and safety, focusing on their chemical structures, analytical methods, clinical features, and comprehensive treatment options. Organized across three volumes, it provides comprehensive and insightful information for clinicians, students, and investigators with interests in metals, radiation, and cancer. The interdisciplinary, evidence-based approach of the work is designed to reach beyond clinical settings to increase the scientific understanding of those in associated fields. To allow for quick reference, the information is presented in a consistent and easy-to-read format. Additional information is readily available to the interested reader through the detailed bibliographies included at the end of each chapter. * Volume 1--Metals and metalloids, such as arsenic, lead, mercury, and rare earth metals * Volume 2--Radiation, including ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, radiation physics, radiation prevention, radiation diagnosis and treatment, and cosmic radiation * Volume 3--Cancer-causing exposures, histology, host susceptibility, and clinical features--using an organ-based approach to allow for seamless reader comprehension Toxicologists, physicians, and many other professionals working in fields that intersect with human health and safety, especially those in leadership positions making decisions regarding metals, radiation, and chemical carcinogens, can use Medical Toxicology of Occupational and Environmental Exposures as a practical everyday reference to understand many important toxins found in our world that often affect our bodies in a negative manner.

Bibliografische Angaben

August 2025, ca. 2160 Seiten, Englisch


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