his book contains selected, peer-reviewed articles presented at the International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Modern Applications (M3A_24), held in Istanbul, Türkiye, on June 4–6 2024. The selected articles are all real-life problem oriented and present numerical methods from the following fields: partial differential equations, approximation, applied linear and multilinear algebra, probability and statistics, artificial intelligence and deep learning. The developed tools are of special interest for understanding and taking an active part into the challenges posed by the increasing needs of the industry. A special focus is given to the large-scale methods in response to massive amount of data to process in many problems. Each article contains an initial section enabling non-specialists to grasp the issues at stake in the problem under consideration, as well as theoretical reminders and references enabling readers to deepen their understanding. This will enable researchers to present their advances, while at the same time allowing them to be disseminated to industry and students.