Know the Heretics Video Study

Know the Heretics Video Study

14 Lessons on 2 DVDs


There is a lot of talk about heresy these days. The frequency and volume of accusations suggest that some Christians have lost a sense of the gravity of the word. On the other hand, many believers have little to no familiarity with orthodox doctrine or the historic distortions of it. What's needed is a strong dose of humility and restraint, and also a clear and informed definition of orthodoxy and heresy. In Know the Heretics Video Study, scholar and author Justin Holcomb provides an accessible "travel guide" to the most significant heresies throughout Christian history.

Each lecture covers a simple explanation of the unorthodox teaching, the orthodox response and a key defender, and reflections of contemporary relevance for application in today's world. As a part of the KNOW series, Know the Heretics Video Study is designed for personal study or classroom use, as well as small groups and Sunday schools wanting to more deeply understand the foundations of the faith.

Session Titles and Runtimes:

1 - Introduction: Why Heresy? (7 min)

2 - Judaizers: The Old Rules Still Apply (25 min)

3 - Gnostics: God Hides Messages for the Enlightened (18 min)

4 - Marcion: Vengeful Yahweh versus Gentle Jesus (20 min)


5 - Docetists: The Spiritual Is Good, the Physical Is Evil (14 min)

6 - Mani: God Must Be Freed (16 min)

7 - Sabellius: One Actor and Three Hats (18 min) 

8 - Arius: Jesus Is a Lesser God (16 min)

9 - Apollinarius: Christ May Be Human, but His Mind Is Divine (11 min)

10 - Pelagius: God Has Already Given Us the Tools (16 min)

11 - Eutyches: Christ as a New Kind of Being (13 min)

12 - Nestorius: Christ's Divinity Must Be Shielded (16 min)

13 - Socinus: The Trinity Is Irrelevant and Jesus's Death Is Only an Example (18 min)

14 - Conclusion (7 min)

Bibliografische Angaben

Juli 2019, KNOW Series, Englisch
Harper Collins (US)


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