Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching

Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching

The Case of Korea


This book brings together diverse experiences at all levels of language education in Korea, from government to public and private education to business and industry, to identify the origin of the processes of change and the factors influencing their success. The chapters are written by widely respected and well-known academics from the top institutions in Korea and abroad who together cover all aspects of innovation in language education in the region. Each chapter deals with a particular innovation or an innovation in a particular sector and is carefully structured to provide enough background information to understand its specific context, while drawing broader implications for educators in different contexts or countries. The overview and closing chapters set the scene and bring together all the experiences to offer suggestions for a successful integration of innovative practices in language education worldwide. As such, the book will be a rich resource for researchers, students, teachers and practitioners interested in understanding, implementing, or evaluating innovation in (language) teaching environments globally. 

Hayo Reinders ( is TESOL Professor and Director of Research at Anaheim University in the US and Professor of Applied Linguistics at KMUTT in Thailand.

Joo-Kyung Park is a former professor of TESOL at Honam University, S. Korea and Immediate Past President of AsiaTEFL.

Ju Seong Lee is Acting Head and Associate Professor in the Department of English Language Education at the Education University of Hong Kong.


Bibliografische Angaben

Mai 2025, ca. 204 Seiten, New Language Learning and Teaching Environments, Englisch
Springer International Publishing


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