Impact of Monetary Policy on Quality of Life in Nigeria

Impact of Monetary Policy on Quality of Life in Nigeria


Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich VWL - Geldtheorie, Geldpolitik, Ahmadu Bello University (department of economics), Veranstaltung: Bsc economics, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This study investigates the impact of monetary policy on the quality of life in Nigeria, the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was adopted as a theoretical framework, the dataset covers a period of 37 year (1981-2018) and the model was estimated using Autoregressive Distributed Lag method of estimation. The study seeks to address the following questions: What is the trend and trajectory of the determinant of quality of life? What is the important of monetary policy on the determinant of quality of life? Over the years, monetary variables such as inflation and interest rate have continued to fluctuate, thereby affecting many macroeconomic variables. Among which quality of life and cost of living is continually affected. For instance, standard of living is continually being eroded by high inflation in the country. Inflation rate was more than 18% in the first quarter of 2021. While inflation is rising cost of living in the country and therefore quality of life is declining. Furthermore, several efforts to keep inflation low, the monetary authority have raised the nominal interest rate severally in attempt. However, it appears that the other measure of quality of life such as unemployment is also rising and also human development index (HDI), genuine progress indicator (GPI) and gross domestic happiness (GDH) are declining. Fixed income earners and saving are fast losing the value of their wealth, meaning that it is the relative value of money that define the determinant of quality of life. Thus, keeping in check the rate of inflation and interest rate.

Bibliografische Angaben

Juli 2023, 68 Seiten, Deutsch


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