Since about the mid-1980th years all over the world the Neo-liberalism policy all over the world promote the idea, that this policy is the best for all. In the reality this can be discussed on the background of the liberal theorie from Adam Smith and the social theorie from Keynes1. The reality now are the ecological and economical change all over the world. The reality is the rise up from macroeconimical disparities between regions in the states, between the states and last but not least between the people from the smallest municipality to the biggest city all over the world. Real is also the global financal crisis. The reality now is also the growth of ecological problems and within more natural catastrophes likes tsunamis, floots, storms, hotwaves, the higher temperature of the world, the mutation of wildlife flora and fauna, the rise up of different water problems.The reality is also, that the resurces all over the world became fewer, on the first position mineral oil. The reality are new big wars like the war in Irak, Afghanistan, Islamic countries in Africas. It is also the reality, that Transnational Companies make a big profit from all this problems whitout respect for Human Rights. The question is, are „The Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights with its „Protect, Respect and Remedy framework an effective mechanism to combat violations of human rights by business enterprise.Since about the mid-1980th years all over the world the Neo-liberalism policy all over the world promote the idea, that this policy is the best for all. In the reality this can be discussed on the background of the liberal theorie from Adam Smith and the social theorie from KeynesThe reality now are the ecological and economical change all over the world. The reality is the rise up from macroeconimical disparities between regions in the states, between the states and last but not least between the people from the smallest municipality to the biggest city all over the world. Real is also the global financal crisis. The reality now is also the growth of ecological problems and within more natural catastrophes likes tsunamis, floots, storms, hotwaves, the higher temperature of the world, the mutation of wildlife flora and fauna, the rise up of different water problems.The reality is also, that the resurces all over the world became fewer, on the first position mineral oil. The reality are new big wars like the war in Irak, Afghanistan, Islamic countries in Africa.