Gerontologic Nursing

Gerontologic Nursing


Prepare to compassionately care for the aging population with Gerontologic Nursing, Seventh Edition, uniquely known for its comprehensive coverage of the most common medical-surgical problems associated with older adults. Organized by body system for easy retrieval of information, it delves into health promotion and both basic and complex gerontologic concepts and issues. A disorder-focused approach addresses nursing management and care coordination across health care delivery settings. This text emphasizes topics such as nutrition, chronic illness, emergency treatment, patient teaching, home care, and end-of-life care - and provides you with a solid foundation to meet the future challenges of providing nursing care for the vast and growing older adult population.

  • NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN)-style cases and questions are included in select clinical chapters
  • NEW! Aging theory and nursing theory content promotes understanding of the relationship between theory and practice
  • NEW! Cultural content integrated throughout the text facilitates culturally congruent care practices
  • UPDATED! Completely revised chapters ensure content is relevant and practice-related for the gerontologic nurse
  • Body system chapters include an overview of age-related changes in structure and function
  • Current standards and guidelines are reflected throughout to ensure you are learning the most up-to-date information
  • Essential nursing care guidelines are presented in each clinical chapter
  • Psychologic and sociocultural issues and aspects of older adult care are integrated throughout the text
  • Clinical judgment questions at the end of chapters challenge you to apply your knowledge and clinical judgment skills
  • Helpful boxes throughout the text highlight key information, including:
    • Nursing Care Plan
    • Patient/Family Teaching
    • Health Promotion/Illness Prevention
    • Nutritional Considerations
    • Evidence-Based Practice
    • Emergency Treatment
    • Home Care
  • Key points and summary sections at the end of chapters reinforce the most important concepts and information

    • One Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN)-style case/question added to each clinical chapter
    • Adding content on culturally congruent care to Socioeconomic and Environmental Influences chapter
    • Expanded content on Pressure Injuries

    Expanded content on Infection & Inflammation

Bibliografische Angaben

Februar 2025, Englisch



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