Gas Services

Gas Services


This text addresses the requirements for the Certificate III in Plumbing qualification. It includes study and revision tools such as worksheets, learning tasks and photo case studies that help you learn more effectively. 'Employability' boxes outline the responsibilities of employees, including skills you need to acquire and real-life challenges you may face at work. A variety of example boxes show examples of how to perform practical tasks or complete mathematical calculations. The Cengage Plumbing Skills series provides the knowledge, skills and awareness you need to be successful in the plumbing industry. The series is structured to build step-by-step knowledge, working from general/foundation subjects towards more specific and technical detail. Gas Services, 3e covers the following units of competency: Core Units: CPCPGS3056 Size and install consumer gas piping systems CPCPGS3048 Install gas pressure control equipment CPCPGS3051 Purge consumer piping CPCPGS3054 Calculate and install natural ventilation for Type A gas appliances CPCPGS3061 Install and commission Type A gas appliances CPCPGS3049 Install gas appliance flues CPCPGS3053 Disconnect and reconnect Type A gas appliances CPCPGS3059 Install LPG storage of aggregate storage capacity up to 500 litres Elective Units: CPCPGS3046 Install LPG systems in caravans, mobile homes and mobile workplaces CPCPGS3047 Install LPG systems in marine craft CPCPGS3055 Install gas sub-meters CPCPGS3060 Install LPG storage of aggregate storage capacity exceeding 500 litres and less than 8 kl CPCPGS3052 Maintain Type A gas appliances Additional gas fundamental units: 1. Fuel gases 2. Units of measurement and gas industry terms 3. Gas distribution systems 4. Gas constituents and characteristics 5. Gas industry workplace safety 6. Combustion principles 7. LPG basics

Bibliografische Angaben

September 2021, Englisch
Cengage Learning



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