Humanity is under assault by malevolent "antimemes"--ideas that attack memory, identity, and the fabric of reality itself - in this wickedly brain-bending tale of science-fiction horror, an entirely reimagined and expanded version of the beloved online novel. They're all around us, hiding in plain sight. One could be in the room with you, now, just to your left. You could be seeing it right now - but from this second to the next, you'll forget that you did. If you managed to jot down a note, the paper would look blank to you afterwards. These entities can feed on your most cherished memories, the things that make you you - and you'll never even know anything changed. They can turn you into a living ghost - make it so that you're standing next to your spouse, screaming in their ear, and they won't know you're there. They are the perfect predators, equipped with the ultimate camouflage - the ability to wipe out memories of their own existence. And they aren't just feeding on us. They're invading. But how do you fight an enemy when you can never even know that you're at war? How do you contain something you can't record or remember?Welcome to the Antimemetics Division. No, this is not your first day.