Offering a concise, highly visual approach to the basic science and clinical pathology of the reproductive system, this updated volume in The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations (the CIBA "Green Books") contains unparalleled didactic illustrations reflecting the latest medical knowledge. Revised by Drs. Roger P. Smith and Paul J. Turek, Reproductive System, Volume 1 integrates core concepts of anatomy, embryology, physiology, and genetics with common clinical correlates across health, medical, and surgical disciplines. Classic Netter art, updated and new illustrations, and modern imaging continue to bring medical concepts to life and make this timeless work an essential resource for students, clinicians, and educators.
Feature: MODERN IMAGING Benefit: Netter's classic anatomical illustrations (normal and abnormal) in multiple sections and views side-by-side the newest imaging technology commonly used throughout health professions.
Feature: NEW ART CREATED IN THE NETTER TRADITIONBenefit: today's clinical understanding and knowledge presented in the Netter style-- including major contributions by Carlos Machado, MD
Benefit: portable; searchable content; mobile-friendly
Benefit: information on sperm epigenetics and DNA fragmentation; paternal age-related childhood diseases; syndromic sperm problems (PLcZ deficiency); Microfluidic sperm sorting; preimplantation genetic diagnosis at IVF; MRI fusion technology for prostate cancer diagnosis; menorrhagia; expanded coverage of dermatoses; expanded coverage of presentations of nipple discharge; vulvar trauma; and treatment options for pelvic floor support failure