Intubation is one of the most performed procedures in neonatal medicine. The field of neonatal airway management has been transformed by many notable developments over the past 5-10 years. Most importantly, the use of pre-medication, video-laryngoscopy, and laryngeal masks have been the subject of numerous recent clinical investigations and academic publications. Despite ongoing research, neonatal airway management continues to carry a high risk of complications and both short and long-term morbidities. A comprehensive book on neonatal airway management has never been published. Hence, the proposed book fills an important niche in the healthcare literature. This book provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art review of neonatal airway management, and serves as a valuable resource for clinicians, educators, and researchers involved in neonatal care. The book reviews patient, practice, provider, and system factors important in neonatal airway management. Chapters explore key topic areas including airway management techniques, training, competency assessment, premedication, video laryngoscopy, laryngeal mask airway, and others. Written by experts in the field and including the most up-to-date scientific and clinical information, Neonatal Airway Management serves as a useful resource for physicians and researchers dealing with, and interested in, neonatal airway management. It provides a concise yet comprehensive summary of the current state of the field that helps guide patient management and stimulates investigative efforts.