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Handbook of Clinical Teaching

Handbook of Clinical Teaching


Targeting the practical needs of clinical teachers who do not have extensive time to undergo additional training, this book provides an accessible, on-the-spot resource to bolster teaching skills and optimize the education of trainees. A massive transformation takes place every summer in the United States: Thousands of trainees in graduate medical education are appointed as attending physicians responsible for effectively teaching the next generation of medical students and residents. This handbook includes the most relevant topics for new clinical teachers and covers the basics of clinical teaching, teaching in specific situations, teaching different audiences, and best practices for handling challenging situations. The format is conducive to “just in time” learning, perfect for quick reference before meeting with learners or engaging in specific teaching situations, such as in an ambulatory clinic or at the bedside. Key points are emphasized with frequent use of tables and boxed practical content.

Now in its fully revised and expanded second edition, the Handbook of Clinical Teaching combines the goals of the first edition with a broader perspective on effective clinical teaching. Critical topics such as bias, racism and equity in the learning environment that were not fully addressed in the first edition are now explored. New chapters address more expansive approaches to clinical teaching, such as the use of electronic media to teach in the clinical setting and leveraging gamification to teach effectively. Finally, this edition has been revised to better serve faculty developers: worksheets, pocket cards and suggested workshop plans are included with each chapter. All chapters have been fully revised, and thirteen new chapters have been added. 

Applicable to all teaching attendings regardless of specialty, the Handbook of Clinical Teaching, 2e is a valuable aid for individuals who wish to improve their teaching and serves as a practical guide for faculty development in clinical teaching.

Informations bibliographiques

janvier 2026, env. 290 Pages, Anglais
Springer International Publishing


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