The standard reference work in English for bilingual teaching or the university
Due to the constant increase in bilingual teaching at «Gymnasien», the established handbook «Formeln, Tabellen, Begriffe» is since 2014 also available in English. The aim of this translation of the concise handbook «Formeln, Tabellen, Begriffe» is to give the teachers an English version which is an equivalent of the German book not only in content but also in design, and hence enables the teachers to work with both language versions side by side. As «Formeln, Tabellen, Begriffe» is an accepted aid at Swiss Universities, too, we also satisfy a rising demand at this level due to the increasing number of lectures held in English.
Although «Formulae, Tables, and Concepts» was originally conceptualised for teaching at «Gymnasien», it can be widely used at universities and polytechnics due to its content diversity. Moreover, it is accepted in both institutions for the first-year examination («Basisprüfung») – in the English and German edition. The Swiss reference book for mathematics and science is appealing in its two-coloured design and includes numerous graphics and an extensive index.
For the 2nd edition, the fundamental revision of the system of units was taken into account by the general conference for mass and weight and the general constants were adjusted accordingly. So the two editions correspond exactly.