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Ethnobotany of the Caucasus

Ethnobotany of the Caucasus


Ethnobotany of the Caucasus MRW (online and print) volume covers this European Macroregion. The content focuses on the ethnobotany of wild plants in this Macroregion and it will be first developed as an online site and, later, when all of the planned topics have been covered for this specific volume, printed in a hard copy version. The online site will remain live and be available for updates until final publication (with new monographs [if not covered initially due to lack of research]).

The content is divided into sections covering countries (or groups of countries), based on plant diversity and not necessarily political or national boundaries. This volume begins with an Introduction (4,000-6,000 words) to the region, followed by discussions of each sub-region (4,000-6,000 words); and discusses 833 plant species with each monograph having a length of ~1,500 words (with references), plus 2-4 photographs. To further define the content, the plantmonographs will be divided into five major categories (food; medicine/cosmetic; veterinary; handicraft plants; and ritual/folkloric uses) and includes notes. The number of the monographs in every category will be negotiated depending on the advances of the ethnobotanical research in each specific country, or group of countries. The main criteria for the inclusion of a given plant will be its cultural salience within a given country (assessed by the editors). References are given at the end of the Introduction and each monograph.

Bibliografische Angaben

Februar 2026, ca. 1800 Seiten, Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions, Englisch
Springer International Publishing



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