Economic and social institutions are more and more important in modern economic systems. Efficiency, equity and also economic evolution depend on them. Indeed, since the pioneering analyses of Coase, North and Williamson huge progress has been made in the understanding of the influence of institutions on the working of economic systems. However, institutions are still a rather disregarded topic both in the analysis of economic phenomena and in the design of economic policies. This book offers a critical assessment of the results achieved so far by the various strands of Institutional Economics that paves the way for further improvements.
Economic Perspectives on Institutions provides an introduction to the economic analysis of institutions, particularly with respect to the core issues of conflict, coordination and inequality, offering an essential synthesis of what we have learnt so far and highlighting the major gaps to be filled. Readers are introduced to some of the best ideas produced in the field of institutional economics and are provided with a critical assessment both of their ability to explain a number of crucial problems and to offer a guide to the choice of the best policies. This book will be essential reading to all those studying and researching in the field of institutional economics.