Documentary Film Festivals Vol. 2

Documentary Film Festivals Vol. 2

Changes, Challenges, Professional Perspectives
Herausgegeben von:Vallejo, Aida|Winton, Ezra


This book provides the first comprehensive overview of the global landscape of documentary film festivals, looking at its contemporary and future challenges. Contributors from across the globe reflect on how documentary has positioned itself within both internationally renowned and more alternative festivals, including IDFA (Netherlands), Cannes IFF (France), Sheffield Doc/Fest (UK), Dockanema (Mozambique), Ismailia (Egypt) and Zinebi (Basque Country, Spain), among others. With a special focus on industrial and curatorial developments,  this second in a two-volume set looks at recent changes occurred in the festival circuit, such as the proliferation of markets and co-production forums, the inclusion of interactive and VR forms within their programs and the irruption of VOD platforms, and analyse how these affect the future of documentary aesthetics and its production/distribution contexts.
This volume is organized in two sections: the first reflects on how the documentary festival circuit has become a key industry node for contemporary documentary and identifies new curatorial trends at documentary and major film festivals. The second gives voice to professionals working for festivals and institutions who collaborate with them, who share inside knowledge and concerns, regarding the future challenges to be faced by documentary in the near future.

Aida Vallejo  is Associate Professor at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain.

Ezra Winton  is a Visiting Scholar at the ReImagining Value Action Lab at Lakehead University, Canada.

Bibliografische Angaben

Mai 2020, 235 Seiten, Framing Film Festivals, Englisch
Springer Nature EN



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